FMPN, grant of a 500 m2 greenhouse

Created in 2014, the women’s college called Women Federation of Market Garden Producers of the Niayes Zone (FMPN), brings together around a hundred (100) women farmers residing in 59 villages in the Niayes Zone (from Keur Massar to Saint Louis). They are active in the production, processing and marketing of market garden products.

Our Legacy Foundation supported their activities by granting a 500 m2 greenhouse in order to boost the quality of production and improve their yields.

With the installation of a drip irrigation system and the provision of quality inputs, Our Legacy Foundation has enabled the women of FMPN to obtain a good yield from their cucumber plants 30 days after transplanting.

The harvest of the first cucumbers (30 kilograms) during the rainy period sufficiently demonstrates that the greenhouse improves their productivity.